There is no need to write the long story again, almost every beekeeper knows it. Despite the hard work of beekeeping organizations spreading the knowledge and despite of new chemicals used (i.e. varidol, avartin, etc.), the colony collapse disorder trend is alarming.

Due to critical world-wide situation today, an extensive research about varroa reproduction cycle was done. We know now its behavior when riding on bees; what happens after entering a cell; detials of mating; where, when and what eggs it lays and many other details. Despite these remarkable findings, varroa mite parasite is still a hard nut to crack in today´s beekeeping. Using chemicals for treatment leads to mites becoming resistant and treatments stop being effective.

The solution is hyperthermia as a reliable treatment for varroa mites without chemicals

Varroa mite is a very advanced parasite indeed, however it also has its weak spot. In the late eighties, professor Wolfgang Engels discovered that mites are more temperature sensitive than bees and brood. Mites live well in normal beehive temperature of 34 - 36°C, but it has a problem with temperature of 40°C by leaving their bees and in case the elevated temperature is there long enough they die in all life stages.

Hyperthermia principle consists of temperature increase by a few degrees above the normal beehive temperature

It is known that the ratio of mites on bees is 20% to 80% of mites on capped brood. That is why we need to focus the treatment for varroa on brood. The hive contents are very sensitive towards temperature changes, the dynamics of changes in particular (wax, eggs, larvae). Brood comb has significant insulating properties and it is needed to heat it up slowly. Also, bees do not want temperature to increase and they fight against that effectively (ventilation, cooling).

Various official sources claim that hyperthermic treatment inside a beehive at full operation is impossible. However, it does work with our Varroa Terminator device.